Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Movie Review: Superman Returns

Sometimes, Martin goes to the movies. Often, he reviews these movies, and passes judgment on their insignificant performances. We call them...

Rant at the Screen

Today's movie is Superman Returns. I'm going to preface this review a bit, as I tend to do. I have never seen the original Superman movies in their entirity. I've caught bits of them on television, but never the whole thing. So my conception of the Donner/Reeve films is just about nonexistant. And you folks know how I feel about Kevin Spacey. So there we go. Review is on.

Out of the two major superhero movies this summer, Superman Returns is the better of the two. Not afraid to embrace large dramatic sequences or comedy subtle or not so subtle, it really is a big blockbuster-summer type of film. Over the top is almost all regards.

This Routh guy handles Superman as capably and naturally as I've ever seen. His silly Clark Kent compares well to his genial and sometimes stoic Superman. Lois is also well turned in, with lots of opportunities to show regret, scorn, bereavement... I'm not certain if it's the "Lois Lane" movie some claim, but she figures well into the plot (as well she should). Jimmy is his 1950's enthused self to the core (and despite what some reviewers say, his battery powered camera would not function in a blackout). Perry White is fun. Marsden spends his time as Perry's nephew, and is a great foil to the dorky Kent and Superman. He even gets a fun seaplane adventure! But the villains... oh, the villains.

Lex is awesome. Heartless, cruel, imaginative, and scheming. His plan is good, and he executes well. Even his sidekick Kitty gets a scene or two of awesomeness. Even the freaking DOG has a laugh surrounding it.

I guess, in the end, I only have one real complaint about the movie. Once again, Superman's greatest enemy is a guy. Granted, Lex proves himself capable, and his plan fails through no real fault of his own (which is refreshing).

Flying, Smallville, humor, fun, and cannibal dogs. Just what ever Superman movie needs!

I give it four out of five kryptonite shards.


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